At SooLocaL: Post Physical | Visual Reactions to the Post-Internet Age Curated by Nathaniel Smith
SooLocal (A Division of Soo Visual Arts Center-3506 Nicollet Avenue): Post Physical | Visual Reactions to the Post-Internet Age
Curated by Nathaniel Smith
June 28 – August 10, 2014-Opening Reception Saturday June 28, 2014, 6-9PM
Curated by Nathaniel Smith
June 28 – August 10, 2014-Opening Reception Saturday June 28, 2014, 6-9PM
Participating Artists: Maria Albornoz, Cat Bluemke, Nicholas Carroll, Jesse Draxler, Travis Egedy (Pictureplane), Katerina Fisher, Kostis Fokas, Garrett Perry, Justin James Sehorn, Mark Vomit, Norah Stone and Caitlin R. Warner.

Trillhouse by Garrett Perry.
Post Physical: Visual Reactions to the Post-Internet Age features digital, audio, video, .gif, collage, painting, sculpture and IRL works, intended to propose options, problems, and questions, but offer no definitions, to what is Post-Internet Art. Though none of the artists in Post Physical claim to be Post-Internet artists, curator Nathaniel Smith features works of artists operating at a time when it is unavoidable to be associated with the Internet - whether that means being influenced by, spreading your work through, or rejecting it as a source and means all together.
Smith on what drew him to the work included in the show: "On a personal level, the term Post-Internet Art finally offered what I was searching for when attempting to describe the work I was drawn to and which felt most relevant. It is a vague term, like Post-War Art, but it allows for multiple interpretations and means of expression, all loosely tied to a very specific current moment of human existence.” The work in this exhibition explores the conventions of how we conceptualize the essence of what it means to live during the Internet age, and translates that into visual reflections of our culture.
Marisa Olson, the inventor of the term Post-Internet, has recently amended her definition as, “Post-Internet: the symptoms of network culture.” This exhibition will represent some of these symptoms. For more images of the work visit HERE.